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Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Write to us!

The contact details of the official who will deal with all grievances of customers in regard to their transactions with the company are given below:
Name: Sarika Tailor
Phone: +91 22 4000 2687

(Between 10:00 a.m. and 06:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday except on public and banking holidays)

A response will be provided within 10 working days.

If the complaint is not resolved within the given time or the customer is not satisfied with the solution provided through the above channel, the customer may approach the next escalation channel.

    For more details, kindly refer the pdf below.

    Customer Grievance Policy.Pdf

    Customer Redressal Officer

    Escalation to the Director at below contact details:
    Name: Hardik Bharat Patel
    Phone: +91 22 4000 2600

    A response will be provided within 15 working days.

    If the complaint is not resolved within the given time or the customer is not satisfied with the solution provided through the above channel, and the customer is not willing to wait in case the company requires more time to find a resolution the customer may approach the next escalation channel.

      For more details, kindly refer the pdf below.

      Customer Grievance Policy.Pdf

      The Ombudsman at RBI

      In case your complaint has not been addressed to your satisfaction after following all the above steps, you can approach the banking RBI Ombudsman through the link below.
      RBI’s Complaint Management System:-

      For more details, kindly refer the pdf below.

      Customer Grievance Policy.Pdf

      The Officer-in-Charge

      Alternatively, the customer may appeal to the Officer-in-Charge of the Regional Office of the Department of Non-Banking Supervision of RBI as per the following details under whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of the Company falls.

      The Officer–in–Charge
      Department of Non–Banking Supervision, Reserve Bank of India
      3rd Floor, Near Maratha Mandir,
      Byculla, Mumbai Central,
      Mumbai – 400008.
      Tel: +91 22-23084121/ 23028436
      Fax: +91 22-23022011
      Email id-

      For the benefit of the customers, the details of various contact points for the grievance redressal mechanisms shall be made available on the website of company.

      For more details, kindly refer the pdf below.

      Customer Grievance Policy.Pdf